
Republic Act 9163 or the NSTP act 2001 is a program designed to develop the youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service while undergoing training in any of its three program components.

Developed by: Bonna Sabado Guevarra



Wednesday, November 06, 2024


The National Service Training Program (NSTP) was created by virtue of RA 9163, also known as the NSTP Act of 2001. This program aims at elevating the youth as nation builders: recognizing their potential as future leaders, protecting their importance in the society in terms of community improvements, and in the fields of social service, and response at time of disaster, calamity, and emergencies.   As an Institution engaged in educating and empowering the youths, the Isabela State University, through its National Service Training Program (ISU-NSTP), is committed to produce not only competitive graduates, but well-trained students, equipped with knowledge and skills to readily respond to the demands of social engagements and community service clothed with the spirit of volunteerism and concern to public welfare. Gearing to this, the University NSTP Office is continually responsive to the calls for goal-oriented services; pursuing to be the avenue of trained students in the fields of community service, volunteerism, and social engagements aligned with the University mission and directives of the Commissions on Higher Education.Counting on this commitment, the NSTP Office have organized a School-based National Service Reserve Corps (SBNSRC) comprising graduates of the NSTP to form a group of volunteers who shall be promoters of volunteerism and be advocates of community projects and programs that will help address the identified needs of the adopted and partner communities. The National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) as an organization mandated by law was created to provide a trained, motivated, and organized manpower reserve that can be tapped by the State for DRRM, civic welfare, literacy, national emergency, environmental protection and other similar endeavors in the service of the nation.



Wednesday, September 25, 2024